Natalia Bażowska: Steppe Soul
15.01.2016 - 13.02.2016
This exhibition is presented as an artistic trip around the concept of steppe soul. The term was created by Bazowska from the need to define the inborn instinct to wander, the inner strength that leads us to explore the unknown, to conquer new territories, not only in our journeys, but in all aspects of life.
In the first part of the exhibition, the Memory Room, the works are a visualization of the artist’s inner map of experiences, all connected to the constant meandering and changing of places, that let us immerse ourselves in her world. The photographs, video and small sculptural objects (Microworlds) work here as a diary or a sketch from her journeys, in which the memories, emotions and experiences, connected to certain moments and places, get linked creating a dialogue. The paintings are the reflection of the artist’s vision of the world, filtered through her own personal prism, that complete this intimate story.
In the second part, the so called Wind Room, the visitor is confronted by a wind installation, which gives the opportunity to trigger off all our senses. The perception and the sound of the gust of wind get us closer to the freedom and power that is felt when you let your steppe soul speak.