Current exhibition kinoMANUAL Sklep z planetami 14.02 - 28.03.2025 Past exhibitions Adrian Kolerski An Attempt at Reconstruction 13.12 - 22.01.2025 Michał Smandek The Bee Library 8.11 - 6.12.2024 Julia Llerena Autumn Moon over Still Lake 4 - 30.10.2024 Pracownia Kuratorstwa w krótkim łuku między ustami a ziemią 20 - 28.09.2024 Paweł Franciszek Jaskuła DREAMS 9.07 - 23.08.2024 Michal Martychowiec After 19.04 - 20.05.2024 Michal Martychowiec | Sreshta Rit Premnath Nothing but Blue Sky 8.12.2023 - 20.01.2024 Max Radawski Have I seen the world from the start? 5.10 - 8.11.2023 Małgorzata Szymankiewicz I would rather stay in the shade July - August Agnieszka Grodzińska HOW THE RULER IS MADE 11.05 - 07.06.2023 Keke Vilabelda A Sudden Crack! 17.03 - 19.04.2023 ... and then night! AnaMary Bilbao | Michal Martychowiec | Xisco Mensua Manuel M. Romero | Ian Waelder curated by Aurélien Le Genissel 02.12.2022 - 18.01.2023 Dalila Gonçalves Dream Speakers 20.10 - 26.11.2022 Marlena Kudlicka Custom Storage 29.09 - 02.10.2022 Warsaw Gallery Weekend Max Radawski Golden Splinter 18.07 - 01.09.2022 Wild Culture Dalila Gonçalves | Michal Martychowiec | Cristina Mejías | Michał Smandek 27.05 - 23.06.2022 Cristina Mejías between the adorned and the adorer falls the shadow 13.05 - 10.06.2022 Sreshta Rit Premnath Proximity 18.03.2022 Piotr Bosacki | Michał Smandek By eukaryotes 03.12.2021 - 05.02.2022 Jimena Kato Ferro 15.10 - 19.11.2021 Keke Vilabelda | Max Radawski Common Ground Warsaw Gallery Weekend 30.09 - 03.10.2021 Michal Martychowiec Marcel Duchamp smoking cigar in the museum 06.07 -09.09.2021 We are always in danger of magic Nora Aurrekoetxea | Pierre Gerard | Dalila Gonçalves | Florian Kiniques curated by Christophe Veys 14.05 - 12.06.2021 Michal Martychowiec Tears of Iblis. All that is solid melts into air. 11.12.2020 - 19.03.2021 Genius Steals Irene Fenara | Cristina Garrido | Davide Trabucco curated by Antonio Grulli 23.10 - 27.11.2020 Persistence Group show Warsaw Gallery Weekend 01.10 - 04.10.2020 Agnieszka Grodzińska Summer Bankrupt 10.07 - 30.08.2020 Stefan Wojnecki Operations 13.12.2019 - 22.01.2020 Agnieszka Grodzińska ARE YOU CHOKING? 02.12 - 10.12.2019 Dalila Gonçalves Céu da boca 25.10 - 27.11.2019 Dalila Gonçalves | Michał Smandek So Boring Warsaw Gallery Weekend 20.09 - 22.09.2019 Jana Shostak & Jakub Jasiukiewicz MERCH 21.06 - 29.06.2019 Notebook on Cities Group show curated by Domenico de Chirico 10.05 - 12.06.2019 Jimena Kato An Awkward Understanding of the Bodily Mechanics 22.03 - 24.04.2019 Sreshta Rit Premnath Below Blue Horizon curated by Tiago de Abreu Pinto 10.01 - 15.02.2019 Michał Smandek The Danger of Approaching the Limits 12.10 - 14.11.2018 Michal Martychowiec Everything about the contemporary is panda Warsaw Gallery Weekend 21.09 - 02.10.2018 Cabinet of True Horizons (How far can you see?) curated by Stach Szabłowski 11.05 - 13.06.2018 Gonzalo Elvira 12 Concrete Songs Vol. II 16.03 - 21.04.2018 Agnieszka Grodzińska Second Shower 02.02 - 08.03.2018 María Tinaut Untitled (Room with a View) 01.12.2017 - 17.01.2018 Franciszek Orłowski There is not one 20.10 - 24.11.2017 DISRUPT (part 2) Group show Warsaw Gallery Weekend 22.09 - 03.10.2017 DISRUPT Group show curated by Marlon de Azambuja 05.05 - 08.06.2017 Diana Lelonek Zoe-Therapy (in process) 17.03 - 22.04.2017 Anna Talens Above the ground 20.01 - 24.02.2017 Dorota Buczkowska Painting 18.11 - 21.12.2016 Michał Smandek Overremembering 20.09 - 22.10.2016 Pep Vidal How Green Was My Valley Warsaw Gallery Weekend 23.09 - 4.10.2016 Andrés Pachón Magic Lantern 19.05 - 16.06.2016 Alicja Dobrucka Houses 15.04 - 14.05.2016 Dong Yoon Kim & Hirofumi Isoya Interlaced Surroundings 18.02 - 24.03.2016 Natalia Bażowska Steppe Soul 15.01 - 13.02.2016 Keke Vilabelda Brand New Ruins 27.11.2015 - 09.01.2016 Jakub Jasiukiewicz Gravity and friction 15.10 - 20.11.2015 Graduate exhibitions Graduate exhibition - Andrzej Szwabe August 2024 Graduate exhibition - Kamil Gustaw Mizgała June 2024 Graduate exhibition - Maria Węsławska-Gribina June 2024 Graduate exhibition - Kacper Pietrzak June 2024 Graduate exhibition - Marcin Karalus June 2024 Graduate exhibition - Mateusz Kowalczyk June 2024 Graduate exhibition - Krzysztof Mętel May 2024 Graduate exhibition - Anka Rynarzewska June 2023 Graduate exhibition - Mateusz Janik June 2023 Graduate exhibition - Maciej Andrzejczak Przestrzeń obrazu? Przestrzeń obiektu? March 2023 Graduate exhibition - Daniel Dąbrowski June 2022 Graduate exhibition - Kinga Popiela October 2022 Graduate exhibition - Michał Jaszkowski Disinfection June 2021 Graduate exhibition - Agnieszka Gabara Beksa June 2021 Graduate exhibition - Kamila Kobierzyńśka Sehnsucht /ˈzeːnzʊxt/ September 2021 Graduate exhibition - Emilia Bogucka Pomiędzy marzeniem a codziennością November 2021 Graduate exhibition - Natalia Czarcińska Ściana nie była wysoka. Sufit znajdował się na dogodnej wysokości 13-14.10.2020 Graduate exhibition - Joanna Czarnota tak cicho aż ciemno 5 - 8.09.2020 Graduate exhibition - Maciej Gąbka Familiar Feeling 18.06 - 03.07.2020